Your Bargaining Committee is heading back into bargaining next week. As you know the local took a strike vote and the membership voted 98% voted in favour of the strike. We wanted to provide you with information about bargaining dates and some information about what happens if we are forced to go on strike.
We are also making sure that we are communicating with the public about the work that we do and the situation we are facing. To that end we will be placing ads in the local paper and we have started a Facebook group that we encourage all members, friends and family to join. We will also have T-shirts available for members to wear to raise the profile of our local.
We have three days of Bargaining Scheduled for April 22nd – 24th. We are hoping to make progress at the table but if we are not able to reach an agreement or at least make progress we will likely consider taking job action.
Job Action Prep and Finances:
On Thursday April 16th the Local put over 30 members through strike/picket captain training with our CUPE Education Rep. We did this so that we will be prepared and well organized should job action occur.
In the event that job action becomes necessary it will have a financial impact that we are advising members to plan for. Please consider
- saving money as best you can, until we get a contract, to ease the impact of your lost wages
- contacting any financial institution you have a mortgage or loan with to arrange deferring payments in the event that you are on strike or you’re locked out (the Local has a sample letter to assist with this)
Strike Pay:
After 10 days on strike – CUPE National pays strike pay through the National Strike Fund to a maximum of $300/week.
After 3 days on strike – CUPE BC pays strike pay through the CUPE BC Defence Fund to a maximum of $75/week.
In order to qualify for strike pay, members are required to participate in strike support activity, picketing and/or administrative tasks.
CUPE National’s Strike Fund pays for the continuance of benefits and under the Labour Relations Code the employer is required to maintain benefits if the Union pays the premiums.
If you have questions about this please contact:
Danielle Craigen
CUPE 798 President or 604-578-8560